Sunday, June 26, 2011

Beaten But NEVER Broken

   Women are precious; I feel like their value is priceless and can't be compared to the most valuable item in the universe. I was one of those guys that had the privilege to grow up in a household full of them. And though I didn't always agree with what was said all the time, I learned so much from women. I learned how to love, how to be a man, what responsibility was, as well as sacrifice and how to never give up on what you believe in. I'm not saying that men don't matter because I am one also. What I am saying is that women don't get the recognition that they truly deserve. They get overlooked for their countless efforts and tireless acts constantly.

   They have our babies, cook, clean, own businesses, are doctors, lawyers and have even run for The President of the United States. Women have made their marks in history as strong and powerful figures in this society and continue to do so daily. Even with all of this that they do daily for their children, husbands, boyfriends and even their society they endure domestic violence.
Honestly this subject has always disturbed me and made me uncomfortable. I have not come in contact with it myself but have heard stories and witnessed films and read books about it. To me its a very sad and heart wrenching situation to ever hear any woman go through. As over protective as I am it would be unacceptable to know any woman I love and care for to endure such an issue.

  A few months back I came up with a concept called "Beaten But NEVER Broken", that would actually depict images of Domestic Violence. I had a Brooklyn Native By the Name of Bamm the Photographer do the shoot, and my Best Friend Sugar Jones, who is a model to actually be the "vessel" depicting the women abused. My heart was racing and I said to myself what will people think when they see these photographs? Will they like what they even see? Will they judge me and talk about how bad it is? Will people judge the pictures because they're not what most people consider a "normal shoot"? I got myself together and thought, none of that matters because its about the victims!

   Each and every photograph gives a voice to those women who are battered daily. We often look past certain situations because we are too ashamed or afraid to come to grips with them. No female deserves to be abused in any manner or under any circumstance. Just like women are given the precious gift to conceive a child, this world was given the priceless gems we call women; and it is our job to protect and love them not hurt or batter them. The only time a hand should be raised is when you are placing your arms around their waist, holding them tight because of the love you have for them. NONE of us would be here without a woman bringing us into this world, so why would you inflict pain upon her? How could you ever look at yourself in the mirror knowing those tears she sheds are from your abuse?

  This post is for the Mothers, Daughters, Sisters, Nieces, Aunts, Grandmothers, Wives and Girlfriends who have even been domestically abused. I really apologize that you ever had to endure that type of pain that you don't deserve. I don't know you but just know I care for you and pray that you disassociate  from your abuser. To those who do the abusing I hope you always put the face of any female family memeber to the women you are hurting. To remind yourself that she is just as precious as the women in your family. My mother always told me from little to keep my hands and my feet to myself and the same goes for those doing the abusing.

  The only time its worth using your hands and feet on a woman is to place your hands to hold her tight to show her you will always love and protect her. As well as walk with her to the end of the world because she's worth every step you take! Whenever you begin to second guess the importantance of a woman, just ask yourself where would humankind be without her here to conceive it?

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