Thursday, July 23, 2015

And the prize is Loyalty

   It's interesting how so much can change within a year. Old friends become aquantances; people who you never thought you would associate with become life long friends, and your circle becomes as small as a Cheerio. My mother use to tell me all the time if I had at least a full hand of people I could count on, I was a truly blessed individual. Each time my mother use to tell me that I would find myself annoyed by that statement. And I didn't realize how important those words would be in my life until I got much older. The people I grew so fond of would be the people who left me at my darkest hour. Those were the people that turned their backs on me when I needed them the most. I find that we tend to push those who mean us well to the side; because in our minds, we know they'll always be there. We realize that no matter how bad we may treat them they will stay by our side; and with that way of thinking, we will find ourselves alone. If you don't believe me then try it and see what will happen.
    I've always taken pride in the fact that I'm a loyal person; that in someone's darkest hours in their lives I would be there for them, to constantly be there whenever they needed me to be. How I learned so quickly that people don't necessarily do for you what you may do for them. What may be 110% that you invest in someone that person may just literally give you 10% and expect you to just be fine with that. Now if we're talking numbers and figures amount, that would totally be dissatisfying. But if I'm going to be honest that's exactly what I've probably accepted from people before. I feel like when you're a person who's got a lot of loyalty within yourself you tend to just give of yourself without a thought of thinking about what your own best interests are. You shut down all feelings and emotions that have anything to do with you and tend to take on the problems and issues of those you care about. When in reality for a lot of people; those you invest so much time and energy into, 9/10 times will do whatever is best for themselves without even thinking about you. And for some (including myself) that has been a disheartening truth to come to grips with whether you want to or not.

    The sad truth is people probably won't give a damn about you the way you probably will when it's them, especially if you're an extremely loyal person. Realistically in a lot of scenarios you may be the one who gives more then someone else does. But that doesn't make you stupid or dumb for being who you are. I've always believed that life has a funny way of just changing the rules we play in life. What I mean by that is for awhile you may be the one on the receiving end of continuous disappointments from people who don't value you or what you bring to the table. They may even take advantage of your good nature and use you every chance that they get. You've just got to remember that life has a way of shifting the favor. Those that find it ok to use and manipulate you will definitely get back that karma they've put into the atmosphere. 

      There is not a soul on this earth that has a conscience and understands the difference between right and wrong, that won't get back what they have given out. I tend to always make my mother and sisters laugh when I say "the ass you kick today may be the ass you have to kiss tomorrow". I feel like nobody really thinks about that when they are treating a person the way they wouldn't want to be treated. I feel like people have that "it won't be me" mentality. LORD knows I've gotten my share of necessary karma back from all the things I've done to others. It's human nature to mess up, but the adult thing to do is to rectify what you've done. You can't be strong and wrong and stand firm in your wrongness, life doesn't work that way.

    All I will say is this, be the type of person to others that you would want others to be to you. Treat people with the respect and decency we ALL deserve to have given to us. Loyalty is a powerful  thing and you should appreciate it. When you've got someone who's loyal don't take them for granted. Just remember that when karma comes she's coming to right all the wrongs that were done, and I'm for certain you don't want to be on her list of deeds she may have to rectify. Just something for you to think about it....

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