Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Alien's Enlightenment

My mood heartless; and not because I'm hurt about anything, it's just that I have no need for my heart because my soul is in it, which means I'm already all the way in. The happiness that overwhelms me couldn't change even if you wanted it to. Live, life and love the skin you're in even if others are uncomfortable with their own. Long nights and early mornings that turn into forever, and it feels like an eternity I've been missing. I'm even better then I was before without the need to feel like I need someone to complete me. I was already complete, but it would be nice to have an added bonus. I live carefree like tonight was my last night, and on my bucket list was this happiness I always seemed to seek but never found. Moments like the ones I have now can be repeated every night if I wanted to. I love me and others do too. And not because of the need of love, the love is already there willingly. Nothing just all comes naturally now. I wake up everyday expecting a new adventure and the universe doesn't disappoint. This is the euphoria that I've been missing? Smiling everyday for no reason at all. Having people appreciate me for me while I uplift myself. I'm the Derrick that I've always said I would be; no I'm not, I'm even more! A constant smile painted on my face permanently and I'm content with that. No muse but it's bound to happen. You don't have to understand me; because I finally understand who I am, and who I'm destined to be will be even more then what I anticipated, and expected to be. I did that without feeling the need to seek revenge or relating out of hurt to prove that I've moved on to bigger and better things and people. I WAS hurt but I AM NOT ANYMORE! No more sad posts of uncertainty of self worth because I'm more then worth it. My suave and unmatched charming personality; with a combination of a humbled demeanor, intertwined with my intelligence and leadership qualities, has made me realize that I'm a work in progress but I'm evolving. Changing for the RIGHT reasons and not for reassurance from those uncertain of who they themselves are. I'm an Alien, someone that's not like others and I'm content with that. I'm me and I appreciate you, but why not continue to change for the better. Even now I'm smiling as I write this because I feel at peace. I use to feel bad that I was always able to find the good in those that found it so easy to find the bad in me. But you know, sometimes it takes you to relearn who you are. Accept what has happened, Appreciate the lessons you have learned and Ascend above the status quo of those that put you in a box. How can you listen to those who are too afraid to believe to go after what they believe if they don't even believe in themselves? Which is why I continue to believe....

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