Sunday, October 7, 2012

Self awareness of internal happiness

    People always try to find happiness in things and people; which is exactly why they wind up never being happy in the first place. True happiness comes from realizing all that you're blessed with, not with what's missing. At the end of the day be thankful for what is and what's going to be, NOT with what's gone and the lack thereof...Realistically that's easier said then done but it can be implemented if you work hard at making it happen. What people don't realize is just like loving and going after what you want in life; it takes some sort of continuous work. That same formula should be applied to being happy. It's not as easy as people believe it is either; but like all things, it can be done.

   Self awareness is important, when you're aware you're educating yourself. Knowledge is the key to better understanding; it's the key to open the doors of success. With much success comes some sort of knowledge to keep it going. Now what I said originally still stands because you have to always work to stay happy. It's not allowing anyone or anything to make you depressed or even miserable. I for one believe that mantras; when executed effectively, allow you to believe in yourself and the preservation of your own happiness. NO ONE, and I mean no one can truly make you happy until you are comfortable being happy with and for yourself.

  I'm going to leave you with this, you can never make someone believe in your visions if you yourself don't believe in them first. With that being said, your happiness is just that important. Always take time to work on yourself and what's best for YOU. Success doesn't happen over night, it comes when your one thousand failures are worth it; from self awareness of your true potential, through knowledge and understanding of failure. Believing in yourelf is only part of wanting happiness, happiness comes when you believe it's worth having. 
So remember to be happy, because you are definitely deserving of it...

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