Wednesday, October 17, 2012

What is Unconditional Love?

   The beginning of Love is to let those we love perfectly be themselves, and not make them fit our own image. Otherwise we only love the reflection of our image we created for them, and not the person we should accept them as. Basically what I'm saying is loving a person despite their faults and hang ups, unconditionally loving that person no matter what. Not forcing or molding them into "the best fit" for you. The problem MOST people have is trying to make people be something or someone they aren't because we feel it's "for their own good". Realistically people see you differently then you see yourself. That can be something good or bad; but it's up to you to accept how others view you or how you would like to be viewed.
    I use to be the kind of person that would conform myself to what other people viewed me as. I felt like if I just acted the way other people thought I should I would be accepted. People would like me and I would be liked by everyone; however, I thought wrong. The thing about people is they don't even fully accept and appreciate who they are, so how could I ever believe they would accept me even after I conform myself to their ways? I read somewhere that when we view ourselves in the mirror our eyes makes us believe that we are at least 5X more attractive then we truly are. It's mind boggling how our brain can make us think or even believe things that we wouldn't normally believe otherwise.

   Love is something that can never truly be explained even if we had ten lifetimes to figure it out. It's a concept that has endless views depending on the individual who "believes" in it. You have some who believe that beauty is in the eye of the beholder; and if such things are true, why can't we just accept certain things for what they are no matter what we ourselves believe? Naturally we want to fix what we believe is broken, that's just in our nature to do so. Sometimes it's just best to take a step back; and allow those we claim to love figure out who that person is they see in the mirror everyday, instead of trying to tell them who they should be looking for.

   It's in our nature to do what we believe is best for those we love, but do we truly know? Is it that we are giving them that "sound advice" we believe they need to hear? Or are we just trying to transform that person into someone that best appeases us? Whatever the case may be, allow that person to make their own decisions. In the end; they are the ones who have to live with what they see in the mirror everyday, no matter what you believe they should see.

   I honestly think that we ALL need to take a step back, and really ask ourselves if we are fully aware of what unconditional love is. Love is more then just an expression, concept or even an idea, it's the single driving force that can make you do just about anything. Love is the most powerful drug, and once you've gotten a taste of it; it's hard to kick the habit. Too much of anything is bad, but not when it comes to love. Remember to love a person for who they are, and not for who you want them to be. Learn to accept somone the way you want to be accepted; and once you understand that, you are truly one step away from unconditionally loving even yourself...

1 comment:

  1. I agreed with your vision on unconditional love but to me it just seemed like you focused in the outward aspect of love and not the inward part of it. Like what makes you know that your in love? Yes, love is a feeling but how do you know when some loves you "unconditionally". You know when someone loves you by their actions. SO initially love is an adjective that then develops into a verb if u get what I mean. Its an idea that produces action. I like what you said , just wish you went a little deeper. Your view made me want to know more.If your target was to get people to come back and read more, you caught me! :)
