Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Blueprint to your Daughter's Relationship

       So I was on my way to pick up my check from work; well by this time I was in the train station waiting for the 6 train. I'm sitting there on the bench, on my phone calculating how much of my check was going to bills, and I hear this loud commotion. It's this young couple around my age arguing, however; the guy is the one being the loudest. He's cursing at what seems to be the mother of his daughter (who's holding their daughter at that point in time). He's calling her out of her name, and he's threatening to physically assault her in front of everybody.

       Honestly I'm looking right at him at this point and time and he doesn't even make eye contact with me. One thing I've been taught from little is any man that can't look you in your eyes or face is spineless, and it was obvious to me that he wasn't anywhere near a man. You can threaten a woman and say how you'll slap her and embarrass her in front of everybody in a crowded train station, but you can't even look another man in the face.

       It's amazing to me that he would find that appropriate to even come out his mouth in the first place. He even slowly walked further away from where I was because I believe deep down inside he knew that what he said made him a coward. I don't know whether or not he did hit her when they went somewhere else, but what I do know is you don't say anything like that in front of your child. This is the image you want your daughter to see? This is what you want her to believe is "normal" so when she has a relationship she allows him to beat on her?

       It saddens me honestly because I can only imagine what he does to her when they're in private. Calling her dumb and stupid and beating her in front of their baby daughter. My heart sincerely goes out to the women who goes through that type of physical, verbal and psychological abuse consistently. Continuing on such a cycle that has the capability to do nothing but hurt more and more people.

       I wish people would wake up realize that it takes a father to raise his daughter; to show her how a woman is to be treated. Whether or not you stay with the mother of your child; respect her because she's someone who's raising your children. Whether or not you believe it you're the blueprint to your child's future relationship. Keep your hands to yourself and be the kind of man you want you daughter to be with, not someone you would hurt if your daughter was hurt by them.

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