Sunday, July 14, 2013

Death to Righteousness

Justice; what does that truly even mean anymore? Unity; does it truly even exist?

The land of the free but where is the freedom when you're doomed anyway?

The land that isn't my land but its home nonetheless. Where you can serve time for the murder of a dog, but walk and be free to do as you please when you can slaughter a young Black male with ease and suffer nothing.

Nothing; because that's what you are anyway right? Just another nigger off the street to make others feel justified you were murdered.

It matters not that you were the child of someone, or that Christmas and holidays won't be the same because you're not there anymore.

To know that skittles and an Arizona has even more of a symbolic meaning then just a juice and some candy.

How the mother dreads her son walking the streets at night even more now then ever because someone is "protecting" the community.

And protecting this community from what exactly? From the problems that plague the community or the Black people considered a plague in the community?

I'm not worth saving because I am nothing but a disease? And my birth defect is the fact that my skin is as black as the night sky?

Where is my justice when I need saving? Are you that hateful that you still consider me 3/5th of a man though I am no longer a slave?

The chains of bondage are gone physically, but in your eyes I'm hold less value then your precious animals I can go to jail for killing if I was Michael Vick.

The annihilation of a specific ethnicity matters not when everything in your world is fine.

You sit in the judgement seat, pointing the finger and hiding behind a judicial system made specifically to hinder the elevation and prosperity of people of African Decent.

I pray that America will truly be as United as it falsely proclaims in the Star Spangled banner; but since there is separation of Church and State, I guess my prayers don't matter huh?

I have to ask myself how free I truly am if it is ok to murder an African American in cold blood and suffer no consequences.

I'm starting to feel like an endangered species; but there are even societies that save animals, but I am expendable.

How can I "Love thy neighbor" when I'm not even accepted in the community?

I am scared for the future of the young Black Males, when it seems like our destiny has been predestined for us; with either prison or death...

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