Monday, July 15, 2013

What I should have said

I admit it I fell for you; your smile, your style and everything about you.

I miss you; when it was us, and I won't forget that.

You made me realize that though I am a man with many flaws you cared for me regardless.

Time nor space can change what you and I had going.

It was real on both of our ends, it was nothing ungenuine about it.

The way you would stare deep into my eyes and smile back at me was my reassurance of your Love.

And though you will say you never loved me, your actions showed me otherwise.

It's funny how someone can come into your life and change your perspective on what love really is.

Sometimes I regret what I shared with you, but I realize I was meant to show you the me not many have the opportunity to see.

If I could go back in time to change meeting you I wouldn't; because you were and still in some aspects are an intricate part of my life.

I want to just feel your embrace one more time; hold me tight and never let go.

Why did it have to end so prematurely? Why did we have to let our pride and egos get in the way of "Our Forever".

But sometimes it isn't the right time for a love like ours to fully bloom.

I take responsibility for my actions, and I apologize for placing my insecurities on you.

At times I would ask God how he could bless me with such a great woman like you?

The thought of someone else touching you bothers me; then I realize NO ONE can make you feel the way I did.

It's beyond sex, way past love and honestly the way I feel about you may never change.

God only knows what the future may hold; but just know if we're meant to cross paths once again I won't EVER let you leave my side again my love....

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