Sunday, February 8, 2015

Social Media Suicide (SMS)

The things that we're willing to do to be accepted by people we don't even know.
Likes for likes, shout out for shout out (sfs) all for social media.
We're willing to do anything to have the type of social status to be accosted by people we barely know if not know at all. 
The way Inwhich we take the right pictures at the right time at the right moment just for a single "like".
But who are you really? Beside your fancy name you put together to descibe you, who are you really? 
Are you the guy who gets all the women, who has all the money and all the power?
Are you the girl who's booked by every modeling agency, who's got every man after her and who every woman envies?
Or are you just a simple person with a simple life, with nothing really extraordinary, you're just extra ordinary?
I mean that what's you feel about your life right?
That having a simple life without glitz and glam isn't really a life at all right?
That is isn't ok to have a simple 9-5 that you really enjoy, it just isn't amazing enough because social media wouldn't approve of it.
You wouldn't get those hundreds or even thousands of likes you seek because you didn't take a picture that accentuated your curves enough.
Women would never really desire you if you worked somewhere "normal", so have to flash money to show that you've "got it like that". 
It's not cool to be in a relationship because you're about the single life; but in the same breathe when it's into the late hours of the night, you're in search of that special someone to cuddle with. 
When did we get to a point when we based our importance on how many people liked what we did?
That every precious moment of our lives had to be taped or photographed; and when we got enough likes on either one, at that moment we then realized it was truly important because others "liked" it too.
Nothing is sacred anymore, a moment just isn't a moment if it doesn't make it to social media.
We tape fights and people in them get worse because they know it will possibly make it to World Star.
We make pages exposing people's inner most secrets just so the world will know how much of a slut they really are.
And people can sit here and place blame on the next person and say "but I didn't do anything"; when truthfully you're just as bad because you sit back and watch it all happen, say nothing and "like it".
People will do or say anything just to get exposure on social media, just to be noticed.
Social Media Suicides happen everyday, because people are willing to die inside but outwardly pretend they are doing just fine. 
The great lengths people are willing to go just to have a person they have never met a day in their life like them, even love them to a degree.
Deep down we all have a part of us that wants to be accepted by somebody.
We even all have dreams and aspirations to be great and do great things.
It's just some of us go through great lengths to achieve things and be people we always wanted to be; show that we've made it, that we've got all the money and the women.
That we've booked every modeling gig and have everyone yearn to be just like use. 
To show everybody else that they've got more people following them and liking their pictures then everybody else's. 
To remind everyone else that people know who we are on every social media site you can think of, but we not even know and accept ourselves.
It's funny how we kill ourselves for all of these things everyday on Social Media; then again we're all dead socially, because how can you truly socialize with anyone just through social media alone?
But it's all in a day's work, killing yourself for likes and even acceptance through Social Media....Suicide!

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