Thursday, February 26, 2015

The flower you threw away

My bed use to feel empty because I was empty without you there. 
I remember when I wouldn't even lay on the left side because you weren't there to share it with me.
My heart use to be filled with a mixture of sadness and hatred when your name was spoken. 
When I see babies even now I think about how we were going to have twins that we lost. 
And when you left me I felt lost, like I didn't know what else to do. 
You were my only friend when I had no one else to confide in.
You were the support that I thought I had when times were rough. 
But then something happened...things began to be different.
Now when I think of you I feel sad for you, not because of what you did but what will happen.
Life has a funny way of changing the roles for people.
I mean even in the bible it say "The first shall be last & the last shall be first".
I've learned over the years that GOD has been preparing me for something bigger then the moments I planned for "US".
The dreams I envisioned of your belly being big while you walked around pregnant with my children and you being my wife. 
Sharing a life with OUR daughter whether she is mine by blood or not.
GOD took you away from me; the family I always wanted of my own, the babies I was ready to have, because in order for me to truly appreciate all those things I had to lose them. 
It's almost like my whole world crumbled; I genuinely wasn't the same for a long time because you weren't there by my side, to love me the way I wanted you to.
I'm a man yes; I mean I'm not suppose to cry right? I'm suppose to not care right? 
But I was hurt, and I cried almost everyday because I missed you and OUR daughter whether she was biologically mine or not. 
I was lonely and lonesome but I never lost hope in myself.
Ive learned to love me with every fiber of my being, the same way I poured my love into you and your child.
I've always been the type of man that fears only GOD himself, another man that breathes like I do sparks not one ounce of fear into me, because why should he?
But I feared losing your love and you showed me that you didn't love me the same.
I can admit I could have done better in many instances, but the good I gave should have outweighed any bad I did.
I mean relationships have ups and downs; trials and tribulations, but the love should never leave because mistakes were made.
I can truly say that I've never loved another woman the same way I loved you. 
My actions proved that when I gave you babies that GOD took from us; but whether you believe that or not, just know that me being with you was never a game to was VERY REAL.
Well now that I know what love feels like I can thank GOD he at least allowed that to happen.
My mission to be a billionaire is literally happening in less then ten years, and me being a millionaire WILL happen this year like I said it would.
Though you left me I want to thank you, you showed me that you would do something to me I would have NEVER done to you.
You showed me what I don't want a woman to do to me because things aren't going too well momentarily.
I could never hate you and I would never wish you any harm, I truly wish you the very best in life.
I partly want to thank you for leaving me; because I believe in me even more then I ever did, the way I wanted you to be there to believe in me, the way I've always believed in you.
I'm not bitter whatsoever, I honestly feel like I'm better now.
I didn't even have to go to therapy like I was going to do, I just stopped doing what I use to.
One thing I'll always do is believe in myself even if nobody else believes in me.
I will always love and do for me even if no one else does, because I've got a legacy to leave.
It's bigger then just today and tomorrow, it's about shaping and changing the world forever.
I truly have love for you and partly my heart hurts because of you, but I don't blame you. 
"Time doesn't move back it moves forward, you can't run away from the pain run towards it".
Jay-Z said it best because that's truly how I've learned to deal with my life. 
I truly hope that you get the happiness you deserve and you get the love, life & family I did want with you, even if with someone else. 
I was never taught how to be a man or to love a woman the right way because I didn't have a man there to even show me, but Lord knows I did try my very best to.
I'm sure that the love and family; wife and kids I do desire is out there for me, but for now I'll just continue to strive for the pinnacle.
I can truly say that this year and the years to come are looking very bright for me, and I'm proud of the man I've become and continue to strive to be.
"GROW THROUGH WHAT YOU GO THROUGH"; because even when a flower wants to grow, it can still grow through concrete. 
Persistent Men Excel...So believe in you even if no one else does!

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