Monday, May 28, 2012

Exclusive Underground Gem in Brooklyn: Paint & Poetry by Mojo Disco

    So Saturday night I decided to go to this event that I've been hearing about for while now called Paint & Poetry. If I could describe this event in one word I couldn't, because this event was better then ANY adjective I could think of to express it fully. Before I even got there I got lost at first because I went the wrong way in Brooklyn (I'm a Harlem guy), but luckily I met up with a great friend and designer by the name of Nathaniel White; who is the creator of NENE LA SHIRO. We both made our way to the venue at about 8:35 pm, and already people were having a great time and this was outside. It was only $5 to get in, and for what I was going to experience that amount was well worth it.

     There were people sitting down lounging, enjoying each others company. Smiling everywhere, artistic paintings on the wall; but the REAL experience was nearly feet away as I made my way downstairs to experience what would be the climax of my evening. A homemade bar, people playing pool, black lights everywhere and even black light paintings on the wall. Nude painting was even happening with a woman as the canvas, from then I realized this was just a small taste of what was yet to come. The crowd was really chill & laid back as we waited for the performances to begin, and once they did I was more then grateful I came there.

   It is an understatement to say that each and every individual that touched the mic to spew their words of either poetry or music was great. Like I said earlier there's not one set adjective that could express the people there. They sang songs, rapped or did poetry from their souls. It was as though GOD was shining on them from the Heavens above. I was also feeling the Hosts there as well, one which I know personally. She and I have a picture together on this post as well & her name is Cristal Joshua & she is a GREAT model.

    I finally had the opportunity to meet the creator of Paint & Poetry who goes by the name of Mojo Disco. Now this young entrepreneur was very humble, and sincere when he and I had a time to speak during the half time of the event. I introduced myself to him & he said he knew who I was & he appreciated that I came. I have the utmost respect for this young entrepreneur because he's doing something that no one else is doing. Being able to have such a powerful event, with people from all walks of life as well as different races & ethnicities, merging together for one common appreciation of Art. I wish that more people knew about things like this, & if they don't I'm here to let them know.

   This event is ALWAYS packed when they have it monthly & I saw why. I networked with great artist and there are more people from that event that will be on here soon. Keep up the outstanding work Mojo Disco, you will go quite far with this monthly event & I will continue to support you 110%. The underground gem called paint & poetry was an event of the ages, I'm glad I came & I will play my part and invite everyone I know. It's events like this one they makes me rep for New York City, we are the city that never sleeps, but our creativity is what drives us to stay awake!

Links to Paint & Poetry & Mojo Disco:

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