Sunday, May 27, 2012

Underwater sculpture in Grenada Honoring African Ancestors

 It's pieces just like this one in Grenada that not only makes me continue to love art as much as I do,  but makes me appreciate the fact that I am an African American also. When I saw this I was in awe,  I am  intrigued by the craftsmanship of the individuals who made this work of art. We need things like this in America,  but honestly I doubt there will ever be something this beautiful and bold that is made here.  I ask myself why though? Because America was made on the backs and unwilling bondage and labor of people who taught the world how to read and write. I always tell people that I am royalty, that I come from scholars and architects who shaped and crafted how we view the universe. It might be hard for a lot of people to stomach this notion, However it's the TRUTH!  You can say whatever you will about Black people,  how we are nothing but bad individuals who do nothing but wrong.  BUT when you see things like this sculpture,  I hope that this is some level of reassurance that our tie to the WORLD will FOREVER be here!  As long as there is land and sea, WE WILL be here.  Say what you will about us but you can never say that that the world would be much brighter if we were never here to contribute to it.  
This underwater sculpture of the slaves being thrown overboard is beautiful, I just wish I could meet the people who crafted it. I would tell them thank you for your contribution,  because when I saw this I sincerely felt something.   I honor those who paved the way for me,  because without their sacrifice and pain,  I wouldn't have been able to write posts like this one.  Thank You,  because your pain was my gain and I will FOREVER be grateful for your that.

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