Friday, June 1, 2012

I Come from Royalty

     People always get really sensitive when I advocate for people of African Decent. But Why? I'm African American & I love what I, and have embraced the notion ever since I could fathom who I was. When others talk about anything involving Black people, the very first thing (and seemingly the only thing) people talk about is slavery. Now as broad and deeply rooted as our rich history and traditions are, black people have contributed WAY more then slave labor to the world. The strong individuals that were forcibly placed into bondage were NEVER slaves, but rather turned into slaves. There is definitely a huge difference between the two.

     I realize that slavery is apart of my history & I truly do understand that part, but to simply just make it appear as though that is the only aspect of Black people is beyond insane. We have contributed MOST of what the WORLD uses and takes advantage of on a consistent basis. Things which if they did not exist the world may have not been the same without it. I would be writing forever if I truly spoke of the contributions Black People have contributed. The proof is all there in what we use and see each and every day we open our eyes. NEVER doubt or second guess the place in society People of African Decent are. You can go by the news and statistics all you want to, However, I know that my rich history and traditions don't lie in what others see me as or what others feel. It is what is factual, and the contributions given far outweigh any mistakes that we as a people have EVER done.

    Remember Black People ruled the WORLD, & we may not be as we once were, but I guarantee we will be even better once we unite & remember our purpose!

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