Sunday, June 3, 2012

Daughters: Protect the Greatest Gift from GOD

   Recently I saw "Daughters" By NAS, and I thought that it was one of the most powerful music videos I've seen in a long time. Even now as I'm writing this post I'm listening to the song on my ipod, getting my mind equipped to fathom what it would be like to have a daughter. I don't have any children myself but I have friends who do, especially daughters. I have always felt that without women we would NEVER exist. There would be no such thing as powerful men if there wasn't a powerful woman to nurture him into greatness. Women are the greatest creations that GOD ever sculpted! I say this wholeheartedly because I have been raised by powerful women my whole life. 

   I have sisters, a mother, aunts, a grandmother and great grandmother and I realize how important women are and forever will be. But before women become all of those other things I've said, they are someone's daughter. The ray of sunshine that can brighten up a gloomy day. The ones who will be our future mothers; and we have got to respect & protect them. It hurts my heart seeing young mothers raising babies by themselves when it was two people who created the child. Seeing women go through all these trails in life with men who don't even appreciate them. Calling women out of their name, raping them, beating them, and why? They go through enough just to be accepted, they deserve the best and more.

    When I think of Love the first thing I think of is a woman. We all got here because she loved and protected us even before we came into the world. Nine months of morning sickness, feeding us, believing in us and speaking our very life into existence. Protect her and love her, daughters are our future. Remember that even in chess the Queen is the most powerful piece on the board. Without her protection and role of holding down the other pieces, the game would be over. In life daughters hold this same role, they are the person that will one day be the Queen that holds down the Kingdom. So if you have a daughter look her in the eyes and tell her she's a gift. Because one day she will be the present that the world will be blessed enough to know and appreciate.

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