Monday, June 4, 2012

Is LOVE enough without TRUST?

     Love is the most powerful action, emotion and feeling that could have ever been created. Love is what brought us ALL here; it's what brings two people together to form a union that could possibly last forever. It's the emotion that makes a mother do all that she can to make her child become a great individual, in this cruel and cold world we live in. But what about a union between two people that aren't related, or even friends, but much more? How can you love someone that you can't even trust? Trust and love go hand and hand along with other key actions and emotions that make a relationship last for the long run.

    Trusting someone is fully letting go of doubt and suspicion. It's believing that person is doing right by you as well as the relationship you two are apart of. It's knowing that even when you're not around them they are doing what is best for your union. That is the same steps you take to loving someone. It's about a mutual understanding and a common belief that you both share. You both saw something that you felt the other person had that would make it great for you to be together. In some instances it was friends turned to lovers, or maybe it was even love at first sight. Whichever was the case, you can never expect it to last but so long if there is no trust.

     I believe that there is no possible way that two people can happily stay with one another if there is no trust. I can speak from experience because I was in a relationship where I didn't trust the woman I was with. I was always suspicious of what she was doing. I always asked her questions and doubted her word. But in my mind I still loved her, but how could I when I didn't even trust her? Of course in the end of it all she was cheating on me. But if I go back to the beginning I knew what kind of person I was dealing with. You can NOT change someone who doesn't want to change. It's like trying to make the north & south magnets attract, which is impossible.

       You have to thoroughly get to know what kind of person you're with before you continue to elevate the title. This can definitely be helpful, especially saving you from unnecessary heartache and pain. Love is a beautiful thing, but that should never be the only reason you stay with someone. Trust, respect, mutual understanding, honesty and a host of other things make a healthy and happy relationship. A bond is only as strong as the support of both individuals. A bridge could never support the weight of everthing on it if every piece wasn't together, and that's how trust and love work. Remember, You and Me could NEVER be WE if you two can't see that Love and Trust go hand and hand collectively!

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