Sunday, June 10, 2012

Every Man needs a Queen

    Men don't like to feel vulnerable, we aren't really into letting you know when we're hurting. That aspect of crying and showing our emotions is necessary, but it's hard for us to do. When I was little my mother always told me that it was ok to cry, to show that something is wrong. Even as a man that's about to be twenty-four years old; on June 24th, she still says that to me even now. I agree with my mother, but it's hard honestly. For example, even as a child if a little girl falls and it hurts her, it's ok for her to cry. If that same thing happens to a little boy people expect him to just take it and deal with it. And whether people want to be honest or not they still feel that way, it's just heightened even more when you're a man.

      Women want us to be strong, strong for them, our families and ourselves too. They want us to provide, protect and never neglect them. They expect us to love, be there for them and be honest with them also. Now I'm sincerely not over exaggerating about everything I'm saying, and I'm not even being bias because I'm a man. I don't even think that its too much to expect from a man either, but realize that men need you ladies to be strong for us sometimes too. When GOD created man he created women, therefore our bond is forever intertwined. The responsibility to do all that is necessary for our families and ourselves is high. And sometimes we do keep what we feel internally because we feel that we can handle it.

     Honestly we can handle it, we just need our women to steer us even when we foolishly act like everything is ok. Honestly I hate to show my emotions, it makes me feel like I'm not a man. Of course I'm intelligent enough to realize that it's ok to show vulnerability when it's necessary. But my pride won't always let me show that, and I probably speak for all men when I say this. That's where you ladies fall in, it's your job to be the rock that we need when the weight of the world is on our shoulders. Be that third leg of a table, because GOD is already there. We just need you too, even when we pretend we don't.

      Chess is the best game that expresses exactly how the life of a man is. Whenever all the pieces aren't able to hold us down, we can always count on the Queen to be there to the very end. We don't always let you know how much you mean to us, but believe me you mean the world to us. I'm a King and all I need is Queen to hold me down. I'm great alone, but I'm at my best when there's a woman there to help me hold down the fortress. That's what men feel, but we don't always say it. Just know that a woman is th best creation GOD placed in on this earth. Your role is needed more then you ever know. Just remember to hold your King down, because his Queen always makes it better when no one else can.

     We can't always be what you want us to be, just bare with us. Our heart is in the right place, especially when we love you. Life isn't easy for a man or a woman. We have our separate responsibilites but they are all important. Just know we are in this together, and we have each others backs. No man is an island even when he feels like he's one, because if GOD thought we were he wouldn't have created our women. So thank you for your strength, I know we aren't always easy to deal with, but you're still here. Just protect us, and I promise we will do the rest...

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