Monday, May 28, 2012

Exclusive Underground Gem in Brooklyn: Paint & Poetry by Mojo Disco

    So Saturday night I decided to go to this event that I've been hearing about for while now called Paint & Poetry. If I could describe this event in one word I couldn't, because this event was better then ANY adjective I could think of to express it fully. Before I even got there I got lost at first because I went the wrong way in Brooklyn (I'm a Harlem guy), but luckily I met up with a great friend and designer by the name of Nathaniel White; who is the creator of NENE LA SHIRO. We both made our way to the venue at about 8:35 pm, and already people were having a great time and this was outside. It was only $5 to get in, and for what I was going to experience that amount was well worth it.

     There were people sitting down lounging, enjoying each others company. Smiling everywhere, artistic paintings on the wall; but the REAL experience was nearly feet away as I made my way downstairs to experience what would be the climax of my evening. A homemade bar, people playing pool, black lights everywhere and even black light paintings on the wall. Nude painting was even happening with a woman as the canvas, from then I realized this was just a small taste of what was yet to come. The crowd was really chill & laid back as we waited for the performances to begin, and once they did I was more then grateful I came there.

   It is an understatement to say that each and every individual that touched the mic to spew their words of either poetry or music was great. Like I said earlier there's not one set adjective that could express the people there. They sang songs, rapped or did poetry from their souls. It was as though GOD was shining on them from the Heavens above. I was also feeling the Hosts there as well, one which I know personally. She and I have a picture together on this post as well & her name is Cristal Joshua & she is a GREAT model.

    I finally had the opportunity to meet the creator of Paint & Poetry who goes by the name of Mojo Disco. Now this young entrepreneur was very humble, and sincere when he and I had a time to speak during the half time of the event. I introduced myself to him & he said he knew who I was & he appreciated that I came. I have the utmost respect for this young entrepreneur because he's doing something that no one else is doing. Being able to have such a powerful event, with people from all walks of life as well as different races & ethnicities, merging together for one common appreciation of Art. I wish that more people knew about things like this, & if they don't I'm here to let them know.

   This event is ALWAYS packed when they have it monthly & I saw why. I networked with great artist and there are more people from that event that will be on here soon. Keep up the outstanding work Mojo Disco, you will go quite far with this monthly event & I will continue to support you 110%. The underground gem called paint & poetry was an event of the ages, I'm glad I came & I will play my part and invite everyone I know. It's events like this one they makes me rep for New York City, we are the city that never sleeps, but our creativity is what drives us to stay awake!

Links to Paint & Poetry & Mojo Disco:

Sunday, May 27, 2012

B.o.B - Play For Keeps [Official Video]

Underwater sculpture in Grenada Honoring African Ancestors

 It's pieces just like this one in Grenada that not only makes me continue to love art as much as I do,  but makes me appreciate the fact that I am an African American also. When I saw this I was in awe,  I am  intrigued by the craftsmanship of the individuals who made this work of art. We need things like this in America,  but honestly I doubt there will ever be something this beautiful and bold that is made here.  I ask myself why though? Because America was made on the backs and unwilling bondage and labor of people who taught the world how to read and write. I always tell people that I am royalty, that I come from scholars and architects who shaped and crafted how we view the universe. It might be hard for a lot of people to stomach this notion, However it's the TRUTH!  You can say whatever you will about Black people,  how we are nothing but bad individuals who do nothing but wrong.  BUT when you see things like this sculpture,  I hope that this is some level of reassurance that our tie to the WORLD will FOREVER be here!  As long as there is land and sea, WE WILL be here.  Say what you will about us but you can never say that that the world would be much brighter if we were never here to contribute to it.  
This underwater sculpture of the slaves being thrown overboard is beautiful, I just wish I could meet the people who crafted it. I would tell them thank you for your contribution,  because when I saw this I sincerely felt something.   I honor those who paved the way for me,  because without their sacrifice and pain,  I wouldn't have been able to write posts like this one.  Thank You,  because your pain was my gain and I will FOREVER be grateful for your that.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Will Smith smacks reporter for unwanted kiss

   This is the footage I saw online Watch "Will Smith Smacks Reporter For Trying To Kiss Him In The Mouth At The MIB 3 Red Carpet" on YouTube and Will Smith was definitely justified for doing this. I think that was bold of that reporter to do that honestly. Before Will Smith is a celebrity he's a human being first, and that action was way out of line on the behalf of that reporter. I would be a lair if I told you that I didn't watch the link above a few times, and laughed each and every time I saw it. First off Will Smith was nice to even give the man a hug to start off with, especially since MOST celebs don't even give that much to people. Then the fact that he was so invasive and persistent to give an unwanted kiss was even more ridiculous.
   Just to see the look on the man's face of embarrassment was what became the cake topper for me. I honestly feel like my first instinctive action would be to haul off; and sucker punch the man. However, Will Smith was a class act, and simply just gave the man a slight back slap on the mouth. Writing this post even now is making me laugh because that reporter definitely was beyond bold for his actions. Hopefully he won't make it a habit to carry out his fantasies on any other celebrity again.

Friday, May 4, 2012



Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Dentist Removes her Ex-boyfriend's teeth out of Revenge

   Now I saw this story and I thought to myself I can't be reading what I see right now. A man went to his EX girlfriend who is a dentist to remove out his aching tooth, but he got a lot more then he bargained for. Check out the link for the full story, Watch "Dentist Takes Revenge On Ex-Boyfriend By Pulling Out All His Teeth" on YouTube and you'll see what I mean. let this be a lesson to you guys out there especially, be VERY CAREFUL of a woman who's been scorned by you. She can do some pretty unimaginable things to you, and I don't mean that in a good way whatsoever.

    I use to hear the saying about a woman scorned all the time and this story shows me exactly what that definition means now. She may have been unprofessional for doing that to him, but he should have definitely used common sense. Why would he even put himself in that situation in the first place? But she's looking to face 3 years in prison for her actions. He may have lost his teeth, but she's losing 3 years of her life for doing that and her licence to be a dentist I hope it was worth it.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

NEW Brooklyn Nets logo by Jay-Z

   I want to start off by saying that it's great that Jay-Z is one of the owners of the brand new Brooklyn Nets. Now if you know basketball and you're a fan of the game just like I am, you would know some basketball history. Now the Brooklyn Nets were originally the New Jersey Americans from 1967-1968, then from 1968-1977 they were formally known at the New York Nets. During 1976 they transitioned from a ABA (American Basketball Association) team to a NBA team. They finally were changed to the New Jersey Nets from 1977-2012. Now they are formally known as the Brooklyn Nets, thanks to a little help from Jay-Z.

    Jay-Z has definitely done New York City proud for being the ingenious businessman that he is, and I'm sure he's making those from Brooklyn even more proud. So I recently saw the new logos for the Brooklyn Nets and I have mixed feelings about it honestly. I'm not saying that it's the worse logo ever, but I'm not saying it's th best one either. I respect the mogul and the man Jay-Z, I just would have thought there could been more to the logo. Simply making it black and white isn't bad, but I was expecting more emphasis on the logo itself.

   I realize nothing is set in stone, and the new logos may not be permanent, but if they are I still think the transition to Brooklyn was a smart move for those who own this team. The type of revenue expected will definitely be substantially high for everyone involved. It will take some time getting use to a neighbour to the New York Knicks now, but at least now we'll have another New York Team to root for. I wish the very best for Jay-Z and I'm sure he'll continue to make his mark in business. I respect him, and I know he will continue to make his City proud!