Saturday, July 28, 2012


You ever had someone make you change the way you viewed life? The way you felt about love, and what it can bring. It's beyond how you want to love, and feel love back, but how far you're willing to go to achieve it. How someone can make you totally forget about any bad relationship you've ever had. How they can put a smile on your face when you're sad. And even when they make you mad you smile internally, because you're glad they've entered your life. No amount of misery or strife can change a view you already set aside to feel for this person; because it's beyond words now. Not one particular word can express how you feel because it's not as simple as I love you or as complicated as be with me; it's like the perfect pitch and tone to your favorite symphony. It's beyond like but not yet love, almost like a mini limbo you don't want to escape from. Their laugh warms your heart like a flame, their pain becomes your pain and your feelings mean the world to them. It's like flying without a parachute and knowing you'll have a safe landing. You start to realize you're nothing like yourself anymore, but it's nothing negative; it's all...Good. And not that it's bad, it just feels weird but you like it; now you're scared. This person knows you like a wife knows her husbands birth mark not seen by the naked eye. Like a husband knows his wife's next words before she even utters one. You find yourself wanting to pull back now, because it all feels too good to be true. You start to second guess whether or not everything you felt was even real. You even start to ask God if you even deserve this much happiness that this person gives you; that you always longed for, that you always dreamed of. The answer is simply...yes! Because if this person can make you feel this way then why not embrace it? Don't allow your fears to hinder your happiness. Vulnerability can make you second guess a lot of things, but the ability to let those fears go is a testament that happiness and love conquers all!

Monday, July 23, 2012

My Silent Poetry

It's weird but I feel like I've known you forever, like someone I've met in a past lifetime. I embrace you like we've been together for eons. When we speak I get lost in your Voice, my thoughts wandering to what we can become. I feel weak because there's not one word that can fully express how much I care for you. I feel new strength knowing I'm not alone in these feelings I've felt. I yearn for your warm embrace, anticipating the day I can gaze deep in your eyes and pour out all my emotions to you with my body. Two becoming one like distant lovers, yet we've known each other for only a moment. But these moments feel like lifetimes each time we speak, I never want them to end or for you to leave. But when you do go I find myself lost in my thoughts again, wondering how God placed such a angelic woman like you in my life. You're someone I always wanted, but I never felt I would get. It's almost surreal, a dream that I never want to wake up from. If God created perfection you were his greatest masterpiece. From the way you wear you hair, down to your perfectly pedicured feet, you're beyond whatever word I could think of to express how amazing I find you. I feel so strongly about you; but I don't like this feeling of vulnerability. Knowing that at any moment I could lose you, but I would give anything to have just one moment with you. If I had nothing, I would be fine knowing I had you by my side. You've shown me what It feels like to be appreciated, and now I never want to let you go, not even for a moment...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I'll never understand (poem)

I'll never understand you this thing called love, created so ingeniously by the Lord above.

You can make one laugh, you make one cry, you can make us leave, even stay and try.

You say nothing but we hear you loud and clear, for some it's hard to embrace you because of our fear.

You can cause a tear whether good or bad, you can give the weak strength even if they are sad.

Love is not something only a mother can give, it can breathe new life into a dead heart and cause it to live.

Love does not hurt us, nor give us pain, love gives us new life and something to gain.

Love is something to cherish and something to believe, love is something limitless once it is achieved.

I myself have once loved but that was long ago, but I have never been in love, I wonder why not though?

I guess because I guard my heart because it's important to me, then I remember that old saying "if it's meant to be it will Be."

Love; why are you so complicated and confusing yet carefree? You're something some won't be blessed to even see.

I'll never understand stand you fully, this thing called love, I guess because I was looking everywhere else but from the Lord above...