Thursday, November 29, 2012

Purpose before Expiration

     As I sit here; trapped in my own thoughts, thinking about my life and the people in it, I wonder what my true purpose is? Why do we love, and what is our true destination after life; when we are already almost dead. It's crazy how we already have an expiration date once we are born. From the womb to the tomb is what people say, but what about the time in between? I think about all that I have lost in my life, the people I thought would always be there, and the grandmother who recently died from cancer. Sometimes I feel like God doesn't care about my family and I. I ask myself why we have to suffer? However, suffering is the reassuring factor that we all have to face no matter who we are. It's one of those things each of us have to deal with, just like life and death.

      The last days of my grandmother's life I sat and thought about her life. All that she gave to my sisters, cousins and myself. The wisdom she poured out to us, the love she gave, and her smile. Maybe I'm selfish be because I didn't want her to die. She lived 92 years of her life giving her all to everybody else. She was a mother of four daughters she taught to be Queens, a wife who was loyal to her husband, a daughter who loved her mother deeply, a sister who would give anything to her sibling, and an educator who taught for over 25 years. My grandmother was a fighter and a true definition of what a woman of elegance is suppose to be.

     I always liked to hear my grandmother tell me stories about her life in South Carolina, and her migration to New York City. One thing my grandmother always told me was give. Give your all and NEVER give up or give into what other people think about you. At the age of 48 she went back to school and graduated from college. after that she went to teach in the New York City public school system for the next 25 years. My grandmother changed lives and she did it with dignity. How could I not lead with that kind of leadership in front of me?

  The funny thing is her journey as a teacher ended once she was told I was on the way. She stayed home to help my mother with her pregnancy. The sad part was there were complications; the doctor told my mother I was set to die and I wouldn't make it....and here I am. My mother and father were married for years, and he was a policemen. He provided for my mother, sisters and I; but he was physically abusive to my sisters and me. He was abusive to me the most, I guess it was because he never even knew his own father. He had to be a father and a brother to his own siblings. He didn't even have the opportunity to have a real childhood. I guess I was his way to get his anger out on. That broke me down honestly, and it caused me to stutter and be be shy. Little did I know that would make me the man I am now.

   I've expressed just a portion of my life; to remind you that we all do have an expiration date, but YOU hold the power to what people will say about you in your obituary. I honestly feel like we live life not for ourselves, but to be an example to someone else. My grandmother showed me a lot while she was here, she was the blueprint. A blueprint that gave me the opportunity to realize that nothing in life is unattainable. If you never take chances you'll never know what could be, but instead ask yourself what could have been. Living with regrets isn't a life worth living, instead live without regret.

   This world is as cold as a bitter winter in the Artic. It can be unforgiving, but you must always have a level of forgiveness of the heart. What I mean by that is realize that nothing in the world we go through happens in vain. There is a bigger picture and its up to us the finish that painting. Believe because without that there is no hope. Hope that at some point there is light at the tunnel of the seemingly endless darkness you seem to be facing. I posed a question to myself earlier about what my purpose is, and how I will know what it is. Honestly my best asnwer is you just know...It is the voice in us all we don't listen to but know it's right.

   fight for what you desere, even if you have to have an internal battle with yourself to get to it. Purpose has a whole new importance once you realize that you are the blueprint to help someone else get through life. I'll leave you with something my grandmother use to always say to me when I was little. "Never close your hand to give, because a hand that is closed not only can't give, but can't receive." Remember; Our life is like a never ending movie and we are the main characters. We deal with drama, have the capacity to love and deal with many horrors; but how we act determines the end of our movie. Now what will everyone say about yours?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Permanent resident in my Heart

Words can't explain how I feel
In due time I hope these wounds heal
I still can't believe that you're gone
I don't want to believe that you're gone.
I wish this was just a nightmare
That my heart wasn't filled with dispair
That I'd wake up and this be a dream
And that this wasn't what it seemed
You're not here, but I honor your life
No longer suffering with misery or strife
The strongest woman I know
But God deemed it time for you to go
Grandma you taught me a lot,
and I'm sure God saved you a spot...
In heaven; where you deserve to thrive
You blessed this world when you were alive
I'll miss the way we laugh and joke
And those wise words of wisdom you spoke
It's not easy for me to say Good Bye
And honestly I don't want to try
So instead I'll say; I'll see you later, because I have much to give
But in my heart and mind you will ALWAYS Live.

I Love you Grammy, you will truly be missed...Rest in Paradise

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


   Love; the single most action, word and feeling that has the capacity to change even the most heartless and unemotional individuals. It can make you feel like you're not even yourself. At times it can also cause you to make foolish decisions or even do things you would have never done in your "rational state." But with all that you have to lose; or even gain with love, why do we yearn for it so much? Why are we even afraid to Love someone and allow others to love us back? To be perfectly honest there is no right or wrong answer.

    I want to share something to make you understand specifically why there isn't really one particular way of understanding what I mean. I can honestly admit that I'm afraid to Love someone and allow someone else to love me back. In some ways I'm broken emotionally; but my demeanor will NEVER let you know that I am. I've gone through a lot of situations throughout my life that have caused me to have an "emotional scab" that I don't want reopened. I've opened up my heart and arms to women in my life that have toyed with my emotions. They have broken me down and did so many hurtful things that has caused me to be slightly nonchalant about certain situations. Honestly it's not like I don't care deep down, but I do feel that more often then none people take advantage whenever you show some level of decency and care.

   The great news is at least I understand exactly why I'm so hesitant to love someone and allow others to love me back. But it's only partly why I am that way. It stems from the root of my father leaving my mother, sisters and I so long ago. My father being married to my mother and partaking in infidelity. My mother giving all that she could to a man undeserving of her love and loyalty. Knowing that I knew exactly who my father was, he was in my life for so long, then just up and leaves all of us because of his own internal demons he faced; not even knowing his biological father. Am I making an excuse for my fathers actions? Of course not; because we do set the tone in our lives, and play a big hand in what our future brings.

   I'm intelligent enough to know that love at its most sincere state is unmoving and cannot be tampered with. I will never say I don't know how it feels to love and be loved back because I have a mother, sisters, grandmothers and Aunts who love me unconditionally. I'm very blessed and appreciate who's here. But for me to ever act as though I don't think about some of the people I've lost in my life I'd be a liar. Beyond a guarded heart and a "I don't care demeanor" I'm a great person. I do care depending on who it is, however there are some instances I genuinely don't care. All in all I'm just guarded due to past experiences.

   Another great example is when I finally allowed a young lady into my heart (who I won't name), and she totally left out of my life without any just reason. Didn't return phone calls, text messages or even say anything to me. It was as though I never even existed to her. A part of me cared but I sat down and actually thought to myself just accept it for what it was. She was beautiful, goal oriented, and honestly had all that I believed was qualities I wanted in a woman I could potentially stay with forever. Any man that starts to say things like I'm saying shows you how serious I was about being committed to her. But once I let her in wholeheartedly, that's when she vanished.

    Love is embracing that you may get scarred; but never be scared to Love...Love is fearless and forgiving. Love is believing that someone can change even if your rational mind says it can't be done. But Love is also learning when to let go and when to move forward. With something so intricate as love, I can see exactly why at times we are so confused because of it. As I said earlier; there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to love, just be able to deal with whatever decision you make because of it.
     Live with your decisions and embrace the fact that you may have some failed attempts at "the Big L". Just don't allow those failed attempts to tamper with your mind with the concept of Love altogether. Love is so simple, yet it is complex at the same time. either way I believe that it's important to give love a chance. Life is full of great lessons, and not all of them will be ones that make you happy. However, not every decision will turn out to make you unhappy either. Now ask yourself this; are you Scared to Love, or too Scarred to Love?