Thursday, April 12, 2012

Latest in Trayvon Martin Case

     Let me start off by saying that I am thoroughly appalled, and outraged that George Zimmerman will most likely get second degree murder, for the slaughter of 17-year old Trayvon Martin. I am not sure what the laws may be like out in Florida, because I'm from New York City.  Frankly whether Zimmerman gets second degree murder or Life in Prison, Mr and Mrs Martin lost a child. A child that they will NEVER be able to hold or talk to ever again, because of the bigotry of an individual like George Zimmerman.
Now people can sit and dance around the subject and claim that this isn't an act of racism all they want to, but looking at all circumstances of this case it clearly was.

     People can claim that Trayvon Martin was a hoody wearing hoodlum all they want to, that still does not excuse his murder. He was killed for being black, it's as simple as that. And people can sit around and try to excuse the notion all they want to but it's true. Being an African American in America is a daily struggle. Being judged and profiled simply because of who you are constantly. But I digress; Trayvon's family deserves justice! No matter how small it may be, they deserve some type of fulfillment in knowing the man that persecuted their son is behind bars FOREVER.

     Now I'm going to be frank, if this was an African American that did the same exact crime, this case would have not went on as long as it has. He would have gotten a double life sentence with an extra 900 years just for the hell of it. The case would have been immediately over and justice would have been served. There would be just one less criminal on the streets, and life would go back to normal. Now why can't the same exact methods of "justice" be carried out with the Trayvon Martin case? Hasn't the Martin family suffered enough already? How much longer do you dance around what we already know; that George Zimmerman is a bigot racist that deserves LIFE!

    For a country like America that has a line in the National Anthem that says "for the home of the free"; clearly that wasn't a right that Trayvon Martin was given. He wasn't given the right to travel where he wanted to, simply for who he was. Now I would like to see exactly what sentence George Zimmerman will get for his murder. And if it's anything less then murder one; then I won't be surprised. Because in America everyone else deserves the pursuit of happiness except those of us who are of African Decent. It may rub people the wrong way or make some people uncomfortable with the statement I said, but where was that same uncomfort when a child was being slaughtered for no reason at all?

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