Sunday, April 29, 2012

On the Road to a Second Presidency

   I want to start off by saying that I am tremendously Proud of our Chief and Commander, President Barack Obama! He is my hero, as well as a man that I highly respect. I didn't even think I would ever have someone as a hero of mine at the age of 23, but he definitely is for numerous reasons. For one thing he's highly intelligent and speaks very well. President Obama can articulate anything he speaks on, and he's charismatic as well as genuine. I feel it's unfortunate President Obama didn't get more respect then he received. He was the one who found Bin Laden, he gave everyone health care, and did numerous other under-appreciated acts in just four years time.

   How can you ever except ANYONE to clean up an eight year mess in four years time? He took the slack and blame like a true leader and lead to the best of his ability. Honestly no one even gave President Bush this much slack when he was in the oval office. The way I see it; we are in this deep hole now because of him, and people still gave respect to President Bush. No one is perfect and I realize President Obama doesn't have all the answers, but he has really given everything to America that could be done in four Years time. I sincerely want to see Barack Obama get a second term to remind everyone why he's our Commander and Chief.

    At the end of the day you can say what you want about President Obama, but you can't say he ran this country to the ground. If anything he has given us an open plane field to rise back to the top once again as we were. I sincerely advocate for President Barack Obama, and I believe he will not only deliver, but he will execute his duties as our President. Give our President time to be the Great man we all know him to be. After All there are Presidents who have messed up way more; and remember he is cleaning up a mess he himself did not do. Good Luck President Barack Obama, I have NO DOUBTS you will do your duties second term. I'll definitely be rooting for your return in the oval office.

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