Tuesday, April 10, 2012

NEVER Give Up!

      This is just a post to encourage you to NEVER Give Up. I'm not sure who's reading this, and I probably don't even know you or your life story. It doesn't matter though because I have a few words to say to you no matter who you are. Whatever you may be going through in your life just know that there's definitely light at the end of the tunnel. Yea that may be a cliche but it's the truth. Life was never meant to be easy, it's suppose to have road blocks as well as ups and downs.

     Life will be full of pain and anguish at certain points, but it's your job to endure until the very end. Quitting should never be an option, you should encourage yourself even if others don't. There will be times where you feel alone and unwanted; however, use that time to find out who you are.

       Being alone is a tough situation to deal with, believe me I know exactly what that's like. I've had people come in and out of my life since I was younger. My father left my mother and sisters and myself once he and my mother divorced and it was hard for me. I had to learn how to be a man by myself in some instances, but thank GOD for the strong women in my family. I realized through them that you give your very all no matter the circumstances of your specific situation. Excuses were never an option for me growing up, that's why I believe in giving my best until I can't do it anymore.

      I realize that you're not me and you probably have your own problems to deal with. Just know that ambition and drive in ANY situation is how you endure, with A LOT of patience. Stay focused on the goal at hand and NEVER give in. You never know what you may find if you continue to keep digging. There are two types of people in this world, Quitters and Winners. Just remember that Quitters never win and Winners Never quit. Now which one are you?

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