Monday, April 30, 2012

MUSIC Mondays: Darq E Freaker feat. Danny Brown - Blueberry (Pills & Cocaine)

I don't know what to say about this music video, but I'm actually kind of feelings this honestly. Click the link and watch it for yourself Watch "Darq E Freaker feat. Danny Brown - "Blueberry (Pills & Cocaine)" (Official Video)" on YouTube
Maybe you'll like it like I do. It's wacky and the guy rapping is kind of on the off side, but being "different" can definitely be a good thing.

Only in NEW YORK CITY (MTA train)

   If you live in New York City, you've probably seen just about everything you can think of on an MTA (Metro Train Authority) train. I've seen my fair share of things also, but this by far was the craziest I've seen yet. This woman was dicing onions on a cutting board like she was in her kitchen.

   What was even funnier easy the facial expressions of the two men sitting right beside her. Their faces said EVERYTHING! I was just laughing because this was not something made up, or on some television series. This was done in real time, and like I said you can see just about anything done on a MTA train.

   If someone can bring a cutting board and dice onions on the train, I wonder what else will be done? People will do just about anything that you can think of on the train, I just wonder where she was able to put the onions when she was finished dicing them?

Sunday, April 29, 2012

On the Road to a Second Presidency

   I want to start off by saying that I am tremendously Proud of our Chief and Commander, President Barack Obama! He is my hero, as well as a man that I highly respect. I didn't even think I would ever have someone as a hero of mine at the age of 23, but he definitely is for numerous reasons. For one thing he's highly intelligent and speaks very well. President Obama can articulate anything he speaks on, and he's charismatic as well as genuine. I feel it's unfortunate President Obama didn't get more respect then he received. He was the one who found Bin Laden, he gave everyone health care, and did numerous other under-appreciated acts in just four years time.

   How can you ever except ANYONE to clean up an eight year mess in four years time? He took the slack and blame like a true leader and lead to the best of his ability. Honestly no one even gave President Bush this much slack when he was in the oval office. The way I see it; we are in this deep hole now because of him, and people still gave respect to President Bush. No one is perfect and I realize President Obama doesn't have all the answers, but he has really given everything to America that could be done in four Years time. I sincerely want to see Barack Obama get a second term to remind everyone why he's our Commander and Chief.

    At the end of the day you can say what you want about President Obama, but you can't say he ran this country to the ground. If anything he has given us an open plane field to rise back to the top once again as we were. I sincerely advocate for President Barack Obama, and I believe he will not only deliver, but he will execute his duties as our President. Give our President time to be the Great man we all know him to be. After All there are Presidents who have messed up way more; and remember he is cleaning up a mess he himself did not do. Good Luck President Barack Obama, I have NO DOUBTS you will do your duties second term. I'll definitely be rooting for your return in the oval office.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Have A Great Friday

Hopefully everyone had much more fun then I did. All I did was job training & they will be until about Sunday, so NO WEEKEND for me :-/. But it's definitely well worth it though. I'll be able to provide and put food on the table. That's much more rewarding then going out partying any day.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Almost 8 months! :)

My Baby cousin is almost 8 months old...I love her dearly and she's growing up so fast. Time flys by, before you know it she's going to be one years old!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Which are you; GREAT, Average or small?

"GREAT People talk about IDEAS
Average People talk about Things
small people talk about people."

   This quote speaks to me, I feel like this is self explanatory. There's nothing much to get into great detail about, because it speaks for itself. I feel like often when you're great or on the cusp of it, you have no time for anything but the next level in life. Being average is something most people are because they don't care enough to lift their level, and they're comfortable with complacency. Then lastly there's the small individual who is full of misery and talks about what everyone else is doing, but is going nowhere in life.

   Greatness is something we ALL have within us if we keep trying. Never giving into what average people do and how small people think. It's all about going that extra mile even when everything appears to be dim. Sacrifice and continuous drive always keeps great people going, no matter what happens. I feel like with a combination of faith and persistency the sky is the limit.
Remember; Persistent Men Excel, that's the main reason they are so Great!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Brian Mcknight's Adult Mixtape snippet

Let me start off by saying I think that Brian Mcknight is one of the best R&B singers of all time. He's got some of the best classics, things that will make you call up the one you love, and even baby making music. He's great on the end of producing and creating music, and that's just something you can not take away from him. However, when I saw this video Watch "brian mcknight preview of new song for adult mix tape" on YouTube I didn't know how to feel. I'm just not use to hearing Brian Mcknight talking about giving oral sex and making a woman squirt. I expect that from a lot of other people but him.

In no shape or form am I judging Mr Mcknight because I still enjoy his music. I just was sincerely caught off guard by this music "snippet". I actually was laughing just a little bit because I'm not use to Brian Mcknight's raunchy talk. This Adult Mixtape might be good though, I'll check it out and give my synopsis on it if he drops it. I think that if you're going to judge him, listen to the Adult Mixtape first because it just might become a classic. Just because you're not use to someone doing something they don't normally do, does not mean they won't succeed at it.

Brian Mcknight has a lot of timeless classics, and this may become a new chapter in that series. I hope that he doesn't because discouraged because of the backlash he'll get from doing this. But we'll just have to see what he winds up doing.

Monday, April 23, 2012

THE COME UP entry#3 FEV out of East Harlem

     I'm back with THE COME UP series, with Entry#3 from East Harlem Ether spitter FEV. Now I'm a little bias because he's from the same place I'm from, but I'm bias with good reason. FEV has bars and has the kind of music that you can listen to. I'm a lover of music and I'm very critical about what I listen to when I'm trying to get in the zone. But when I heard this song Watch "FEV- Buda & Grandz Music" on YouTube I was definitely hooked. Now even though I admitted that I'm a little bias because FEV is from the EASTSIDE of Harlem just like I am, he's talented and you can't take that away from him.

    We need more people like FEV to represent the EASTSIDE of Harlem, and I believe he hasn't done us wrong whatsoever. I feel like if you're From Harlem, East or West, We should definitely band together. NO ONE will represent who we are better then those who come from here...Period! And ANYONE who's from New York City, Especially from Harlem, producing the kind of music that FEV is I would vouch for them too. No hands down, no questions asked.

   When you're from Harlem you have a certain swag about you that can't be duplicated or copied, and FEV has Harlem swag all the way. I'm looking forward to more music from FEV, you're doing Harlem proud and keep doing your thing. I want to see FEV, and more people like him to hold the torch for our City. Keep striving for the pinnacle, and I definitely want to see you signed to a major label, because talents like yours should never be overlooked.

For more Information on FEV and Cinematographer DONJAI check out these Links below:



Sunday, April 22, 2012

Tale of two hoodies (painting)- Michael D'Antuono

  Michael D'Antuono is the artist/activist that made this controversial masterpiece. When I saw this painting not only was a blown away, I was at a lost for words. There is not one particular word that I can say about this painting honestly. It is power, real, honest, unforgiving, truthful, realistic and in your face. This painting may be something uneasy for people to handle, but if people have an issue with it they should turn the other way. Everything in life wasn't meant to be censored. Sometimes the cold hard truth needs to wake people up to the serious issues that matter. 

      I think it's people like Michael D'Antuono that say what most people want to say but are too afraid to. It's unfortunate that people mask what they feel internally; this painting captures the moment and I appreciate it. America is suppose to be a place where freedom dwells and racism is nonexistent. However, as much as I want to believe that, it is a lie and that's a disheartening fact. It should not matter what your race, religion or sexual preference is, racism against anyone or anything is wrong. I can honestly say that I appreciate Michael D'Antuono's controversial painting, and I hope he does much more pieces. People need to wake up and realize we are ALL apart of the HUMAN RACE. And that should be the ONLY race that matters anyway!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Makeup By Jenger Glam (Exclusive)

Here is a Makeup artist who's on the rise by the name of Jenger Glam. Jenger Glam provides the best freelance makeup services you need. Come get the best makeup work done, whether it's for weddings, special events, private makeup party, or just wanting a new look. It's all done at a convenient price! Check out the services that are available to you and reserve a spot. 

Jenger Glam is a company that provides great natural beauty services for that special event that is going to take place in your life or just wanting a new look. Jenna Solomon is a makeup artist that has been doing makeup for years, her experience ranges from TV/Film, personal clients, photo shoots, fashion shows to other events. She has gained a lot of experience and always looks forward to exceed your every expectation.

Prices are available on the Make-Up Services page, where it shows every service i offer for makeup and the prices available.

Facebook: JengerGlam

Friday, April 20, 2012

Chester French- Black Girls [Official Music Video]

    So the other day on my sister's 22nd Birthday I happened to be shown this Video By Chester French called Black Girls, Watch "Chester French- Black Girls [Official Music Video]" on YouTube by one of my other sisters. This video was raunchy and provocative, and did I mention raunchy? It was sexy from Beginning to end, and honestly after you see it, there won't be a doubt in your mind that Chester French loves Black Girls.

    I'm trying not to give the concept of the video away, but just know there's a lot of kissing and loving going on, and not from Chester French. It was sexy and the women in this video lay it all out in this Video. So if you're trying to be awed and amazed, then click the link in this post. You won't be disappointed, just know that much. I don't have to say enjoy, because once you see it, the Video will speak for you. I see that Chester French and I definitely have something in common, we BOTH LOVE BLACK GIRLS!!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Happy 22nd Birthday to my Little Sister!

This is just a Happy Birthday post for one of my Favorite people in the world, my Little Sister, Krista T. Lewis. I love you dearly and I know that you had a great time. We laughed today and enjoyed each others company with our mom and other sister A.P. I love my family and I will ALWAYS love them. They were there for me, and I'll always love and support them. We had a great time with each other as always. They're my foundation, and we'll always be there for each other.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

2012 Tupac Coachella Performance

Watch "Tupac Hologram Full Performance Coachella 2012" on YouTube

   I'm SPEECHLESS! This was the craziest thing I've EVER seen in my entire life honestly. This Tupac Holographic performance at Coachella gave me chills from the beginning until the very end. The way that technology is able to be as advanced as it is to make us believe someone is there in the flesh even though they're long and Gone is mind blowing! I don't know what to say honestly, just click the link and get as shocked as I was. Check it out before YouTube takes it down or got to because I'm sure they'll have it up.

   I can only imagine what people will be able to do next, because if I'm speechless from this holographic performance, that can only mean that it's much more in store to keep us all awe struck.

MUSIC MONDAY'S: Wale Feat. Lloyd - Sabotage

Watch "Wale feat. Lloyd - Sabotage" on YouTube

I'm feeling this song honestly, I'm glad Wale is getting the recognition he deserves. And he's doing good music too...Keep up the good work and that's a good look on the Collab with Lloyd also.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


      I wish that life was easy, that things weren't so complicated. I wish you could feel more happiness not hurt, no struggles or pains. I wish that love wasn't so vain and people didn't toy around with other peoples emotions. I'm sure that the despair is as deep as the deepest oceans. We all seem to go through the motions, but we don't care. As long as we have someone to call our other half we stay. Stay just for the title of belonging, even if at the highest price of sorrow. We can care less about tomorrow because today is all that matters. That temporary fulfillment of euphoria we get from a smile painted behind a face of deep rooted sadness.           
     Love is a high that everyone is addicted to. And no matter how high the cost of love is we want it. We'll loose friends and even loved ones just for it. This roller coaster of emotions you receive just from a small piece of it is indescribable. It's just something that can't be put into words even if you had a lifetime to express. But this honestly isn't love, no sir it isn't...its Lust. Yea Love and Lust both have L's; but one high is more pure then the other. If you ever really want to know what love is then watch the way a baby smiles back at it's mother. Watch a couple that's been together for countless years without divorce. We have to want to preserve what we find important. But how can you ever want love that sweet if you are not brave enough to love the person who matters the most...Yourself!

Friday, April 13, 2012

(EXCLUSIVE) Clay Chains By Thesis Pieces Originals

Watch "Clay Chains: (iPhone Footage)" on YouTube

    This is one post that I'm sincerely excited about. It's an EXCLUSIVE Clay Chain line from my Homie out in Fayetteville, North Carolina who goes by @ThesisPieces on twitter. He's also got a clothing line called Zombie Lyfe that you can also go ahead and check out. What impressed me most about his pieces was the fact that I don't know ANYONE out there doing what he's doing. Everyone is either doing clothing or bracelets, but to actually have an individual working strictly with clay had me in awe. It's actually one of the most unique accessories I've come across in a long time.

     I was on my twitter just checking out the new followers I had, and I happened to have Thesis Pieces follow me. I followed back and then I saw his avitar with his customized work, and wanted to see more. I went to his YouTube channel Thesis Originals and was literally like a kid in a candy store. Anyone that knows me knows that I like having exclusive items, and I don't like going along with the trends. I feel like with a Thesis Pieces Original you won't look like everyone else. You'll be trendy and you'll look nice wearing one.

      I definitely need one of those Pieces for myself out here in New York City. Not to show off, but to be Exclusive. I'm certain that I'll be ahead of the curve rocking an Exclusive Thesis Pieces Original out here in the big apple. And since I'm around a lot of trendy individuals on the regular, I'll tell EVERYONE I know about ZombieLyfe Clothing, as well as Thesis Pieces Original. Keep doing your thing out in Fayetteville, NC and I expect to hear GREAT things from you. If you happen to need any links to contact this talented artist they are all at the bottom of this page.

Thesis Pieces Original contact information:

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Latest in Trayvon Martin Case

     Let me start off by saying that I am thoroughly appalled, and outraged that George Zimmerman will most likely get second degree murder, for the slaughter of 17-year old Trayvon Martin. I am not sure what the laws may be like out in Florida, because I'm from New York City.  Frankly whether Zimmerman gets second degree murder or Life in Prison, Mr and Mrs Martin lost a child. A child that they will NEVER be able to hold or talk to ever again, because of the bigotry of an individual like George Zimmerman.
Now people can sit and dance around the subject and claim that this isn't an act of racism all they want to, but looking at all circumstances of this case it clearly was.

     People can claim that Trayvon Martin was a hoody wearing hoodlum all they want to, that still does not excuse his murder. He was killed for being black, it's as simple as that. And people can sit around and try to excuse the notion all they want to but it's true. Being an African American in America is a daily struggle. Being judged and profiled simply because of who you are constantly. But I digress; Trayvon's family deserves justice! No matter how small it may be, they deserve some type of fulfillment in knowing the man that persecuted their son is behind bars FOREVER.

     Now I'm going to be frank, if this was an African American that did the same exact crime, this case would have not went on as long as it has. He would have gotten a double life sentence with an extra 900 years just for the hell of it. The case would have been immediately over and justice would have been served. There would be just one less criminal on the streets, and life would go back to normal. Now why can't the same exact methods of "justice" be carried out with the Trayvon Martin case? Hasn't the Martin family suffered enough already? How much longer do you dance around what we already know; that George Zimmerman is a bigot racist that deserves LIFE!

    For a country like America that has a line in the National Anthem that says "for the home of the free"; clearly that wasn't a right that Trayvon Martin was given. He wasn't given the right to travel where he wanted to, simply for who he was. Now I would like to see exactly what sentence George Zimmerman will get for his murder. And if it's anything less then murder one; then I won't be surprised. Because in America everyone else deserves the pursuit of happiness except those of us who are of African Decent. It may rub people the wrong way or make some people uncomfortable with the statement I said, but where was that same uncomfort when a child was being slaughtered for no reason at all?

New Anonymous Documentary "We Are Legion"


     I'm sure that everyone has seen, or heard of the Anonymous group that goes around telling all types of facts about controversial issues. Well they have a new documentary coming out that looks pretty interesting if you like to think, or you like knowing the truth behind things the government doesn't want you to know.

    The documentary is called "WE ARE LEGION." And it's suppose to be coming out soon. I'll probably check it out when it's available and I really think everyone should honestly. I think it's always important to be informed about EVERYTHING. Even the things you may be too afraid to understand.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

NEVER Give Up!

      This is just a post to encourage you to NEVER Give Up. I'm not sure who's reading this, and I probably don't even know you or your life story. It doesn't matter though because I have a few words to say to you no matter who you are. Whatever you may be going through in your life just know that there's definitely light at the end of the tunnel. Yea that may be a cliche but it's the truth. Life was never meant to be easy, it's suppose to have road blocks as well as ups and downs.

     Life will be full of pain and anguish at certain points, but it's your job to endure until the very end. Quitting should never be an option, you should encourage yourself even if others don't. There will be times where you feel alone and unwanted; however, use that time to find out who you are.

       Being alone is a tough situation to deal with, believe me I know exactly what that's like. I've had people come in and out of my life since I was younger. My father left my mother and sisters and myself once he and my mother divorced and it was hard for me. I had to learn how to be a man by myself in some instances, but thank GOD for the strong women in my family. I realized through them that you give your very all no matter the circumstances of your specific situation. Excuses were never an option for me growing up, that's why I believe in giving my best until I can't do it anymore.

      I realize that you're not me and you probably have your own problems to deal with. Just know that ambition and drive in ANY situation is how you endure, with A LOT of patience. Stay focused on the goal at hand and NEVER give in. You never know what you may find if you continue to keep digging. There are two types of people in this world, Quitters and Winners. Just remember that Quitters never win and Winners Never quit. Now which one are you?

Monday, April 9, 2012

THE COME UP entry#2: Spitfyrecmb Bronx Bomber

Watch "@Spitfyrecmb and @MiasLanskey freestyle @ KOTR #SHOTSFIRED" on YouTube

     Here we are again with week two of "THE COME UP" series with entry number two from Bronx, New York, NY native Spitfyrecmb. Now I happened to be on my twitter ( and Spitfyre sent me a link. Now honestly I was hesitant at first to check it out because I get sent links daily from artist of all genres. But that quickly changed for me when I actually checked out the link I was given. I can see exactly why he was given the name Spitfyre, because he was definitely spitting heat in the Cypher. He has a certain New York arrogance about him that I like, because being from New York myself you can't be afraid to go all in. You either Go Hard or Go Home and with the way he seemed to rap he can definitely keep up with the best of them.
     What intrigued me about Spitfyrecmb was the fact that he's young BUT can definitely hold his own. New York can be a zoo at times, but with his gritty bars he doesn't seem to have a problem butchering any competition that comes his way. I'm looking forward to see how he's going to evolve as an artist because Lord knows that New York needs more artist that can hold their own. Like a Ceelo game on the corners of any hood in New York City, Spitfyre doesn't seem to have a problem going all in. I can definitely appreciate Brad Butter Films for showcasing an artist like Spitfyrecmb on his YouTube channel. I wish the very best for Spitfyrecmb in his future endeavors and continue to go hard for New York. You're the future and we need you to be one of the few to carry the torch.

    Here are some links that you can check out for the artist Spitfyrecmb and also the cinemotographer Brad Butter who had the Cypher uploaded to his YouTube channel. We'll see you next Monday with Entry#3 of "THE COME UP". STAY TUNED!!!

Spitfyrecmb contacts:
For Booking/features email:

Brad Butter contacts:

Happy Easter Everyone

Happy Easter from My family to yours, Enjoy your loved ones and those that you care for. And remember God rose on this day so we can be free to BE...

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Review on Drake's HYFR (Hell Yeah F*cking right) video

   I finally had the opportunity to see the New Video for Drake's HYFR (Hell Yeah F*cking Right) and I liked it. It was edgy and pretty unorthodox, but that's something I feel like is missing in some videos nowadays. It seemed like Drake was having a great time in this video, it wasn't serious or had any doom and gloom to it. I like the fact that he went back to his Jewish roots in this video but he still splashed his YMCMB twist to it. My sister told me that she thinks that the Jewish community might be a little offended by the new video, but we'll have to see. All and all I think that Drake did a pretty good job with this one.

   The cameos were just as wacky and crazy as the video was, but you can't go by me because I like being edgy. Being edgy is a great way to live and be if executed properly, and I personally feel that's exactly what Drake did when he made this one. Hopefully he continues down the road of being edgy and unorthodox, because if he does then I'll definitely continue giving two thumbs up to his videos like I did with this one. If you want to check out Drake's HYFR featuring YMCMB CEO Lil Wayne then go to to check the latest video.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Black Boy ™ (Poem)

When you hear about a Black Boy what do you think?

Do you see someone who smokes, steals and drinks?

When you hear about a Black Boy do you think his destiny is jail?

You think of a person who does nothing but fail.

He cares nothing of school, so forget about Yale.

When you hear about a Black Boy all he does is party.

He can care less about a job, that's why he's always tardy.

When you hear about a Black Boy you see someone wild.

He impregnates a girl, then leaves the child.

When you hear about a Black Boy he's someone unwealthy.

He drinks and shoots up drugs and is far from healthy.

When you hear about a Black Boy he cannot dream.

He's too caught up in the hustler's scene.

When you hear about a Black Boy he wears a vest.

He's so use to hearing "you are under arrest."

But when you gave up on that Black Boy, and stripped away his pride

In the end all that Black Boy had was God on his side!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Horrific Train accident in Manhattan

   So sometime yesterday a man was out on the train platform in Bedford Ave near the L train line and fell to his death. He was drunk and obviously lost his balance and tripped on the tracks while the train was almost in the station. By the time he tried to climb back up he was crushed by the impact. The gruesome scene caused great horror to everyone that was in the station. Everyone was ordered to leave the MTA station immediately, but this won't erase the images that everyone in that station saw. They couldn't even pull the man from under the train because he was stuck between the train and the platform.

   The EMT's and the Fire Department was called and I can only imagine the looks on their faces when they saw this man's body protruding from the tracks. I live in New York City and to actually know something like this happened is mind blowing. What's even crazier is the fact that he fell because he was too drunk to keep his balance. I've NEVER been that drunk in a train station, those trains come in the station fast. Yout can slip and fall even if you're not drunk. And even though this has nothing to do with the Manhattan Transit Authority, they now should definitely add some bars of something to reassure safety to people.

   I'm not sure that this is even on the news yet in New York City honestly, but either way I'm sorry that the gentleman is dead. It was definitely his job to make sure that even under the influence he stayed alert, but he paid for it with his life. Hopefully with this crazy situation that's happened the MTA is looking for ways to help secure all train stations with some kind of barrier. Honestly I don't want anymore incidents like this to occurr again. What's even more sad is I can only imagine how traumatic that must have been for everyone on Bedford Ave to see that. His family and the ones who were there will definitely be in my prayers.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Hunger Games: Racism in Movies?

  The Hunger Games is a young adult novel written by Novelist Suzanne Collins. It was originally published on September 14, 2008, by a company named scholastic in hardcover. It is based on a post-apocalyptic world called Panem where North American once stood. This story is narrated through the eyes of sixteen year old Katniss Everdeen. The Hunger Games itself is a Televised annual event where one boy and one girl aged 12 to 18 from 12 distracts surrounding Panem must battle to the death. The catch is there can only be ONE survivor in the end!

   Now that sounds like a pretty interesting novel, simply a page turner. However, here's when the racism plays in. On March 23, 2012, The Hunger Games Movie hit theaters in the United States. It was one of the most anticipated novel turned movie since the Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling. Everyone seemed to enjoy the Movie until Rue (An African American character in the movie) graced the screen. The excitement turned into disappointments and anger once the unveiling of Rue came on screen. Now clearly in the novel she's African American, there's no confusion there. What saddens me is the fact that the ignorance of people caused them to turn a great movie into a race war simply because she was "black".

   I would have thought since we live in such a multi-cultural environment like The United States, such things would not matter. The days of segregation and bigotry would be far removed, and we would just live in peace and harmony forever...WRONG! Racism is well and alive and sadly won't go away for a little while longer. I wish I could say that 13 year old actress Amandla Stenberg; who plays Rue would just be judged on her performance alone, but then I would be lying. People can't watch a movie without pointing out something so little as a specific character being black. Why does that even matter?

   Something similar happened with the movie Red Tails when George Lucus, a world renown director couldn't get anyone to help produce his movie because the Cast was mainly all black with major roles. It sickens me to know that African Americans are still not treated with the decency and respect we deserve when we are just as important as everyone else is. I could go on a long banter and say how African Americans helped shape America, which would be the truth. But there's no point when you can look in the White House and see who represents America. I pray that people wake up and realize that bigotry amongst anyone is wrong. No matter what background or complexion they may may have they are still apart of the HUMAN RACE. Hopefully barriers will not hinder equality amongst people, because if that's all it takes, then we are in a world of trouble and I am worried about our future.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

THE COME UP Entry #1: Chicago Femcee Bebe O'hare

Watch "Bebe OHare "TRILLA" Exclusive Freestyle" on YouTube

   So I had the Opportunity and the pleasure to hear some trill and invigorating music by Chicago Femcee Bebe O'Hare. I won't sit here and compare her to Nicki Minaj because they have two totally different styles all together. Bebe definitely deserves her OWN shine because she's bringing something new to the table. She's gritty, honest and appears to be a lyrical phenomenon; with witty punch lines and a swag to match. This Chicago based artist definitely deserves shine and I expect to hear more music from her.  She has two other freeystyles "Rollin" & Drake's "The Motto". Although there are only three freeystyles that I've heard personally, I'm certain that she will definitely be able to make her mark as a Femcee in this industry that's way too "commercial" for me.

    I miss when rappers actually had something to say, and at the rate that Bebe O'Hare is going; I'm sure that she will have no problem bringing the basics back to this dying game. If rap ever needed a female saviour, she's definitely one of the people holding the torch. I expect big and GREAT things from Bebe O'Hare, and at the rate she's going she won't disappoint AT ALL!

  Here are some of Bebe O'Hare's social Media sites that you can follow, and the original uploader of the video on this Blog as well. Big Shout Outs to the Director Nick Huff Barili for directing all three freeystyles, expect great things from him. Also shout outs to Hardknock Tv for the video, they're doing a great Job over there. And to Bebe O'Hare; definitely keep doing your thing, I expect to see you up there with the GREATS SOON!