Tuesday, June 12, 2012


   So here we are again with Heavenly Dime Piece, and I'm here to show you yet another beautiful woman in entry#2. This Mixed beautiful woman from Brooklyn, New York who now resides out in Lakeland, Florida is an up and coming model. I asked her personally if I could use her in my brand new series and she was more then up for it. She honestly has the potential to be on the level of a Victoria Secret model if you ask me. Now I don't say this lightly either, I truly do see her on the cover of magazines and on billboards worldwide. She just needs to be coached a little bit, so she can learn her own unique style. I'm sure that those who see her will be more then happy to glance at her.

   I've always felt like I was able to scout out the perfect talent. It doesn't matter what industry, when I see potential I feel it in my bones. You want the kind of person that will look good in your clothing, or make your music video more appealing, then ms Ariella Diaz Is definitely the way to go. Some of the greatest models in the world got their start because someone saw gave them a chance. At this moment I don't have the power to sign models, but I do know quite a few people in the industry. So those who know me know I only seek out the best, and in this "Heavenly Dime Piece" series that's exactly what I'll give you.

    So definitely look out for more of Ariella Diaz, remember that you saw her here first. Until next time look out for more of the most appealing women GOD created; in my Heavenly Dime Piece entries. I'll continue to bring you the most tantalizing women, and you can bet I keep my promises!

Links to add of Ms Ariella Diaz:

Twitter- Www.twitter.com/astarxbby
Instagram- @astarxx

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Every Man needs a Queen

    Men don't like to feel vulnerable, we aren't really into letting you know when we're hurting. That aspect of crying and showing our emotions is necessary, but it's hard for us to do. When I was little my mother always told me that it was ok to cry, to show that something is wrong. Even as a man that's about to be twenty-four years old; on June 24th, she still says that to me even now. I agree with my mother, but it's hard honestly. For example, even as a child if a little girl falls and it hurts her, it's ok for her to cry. If that same thing happens to a little boy people expect him to just take it and deal with it. And whether people want to be honest or not they still feel that way, it's just heightened even more when you're a man.

      Women want us to be strong, strong for them, our families and ourselves too. They want us to provide, protect and never neglect them. They expect us to love, be there for them and be honest with them also. Now I'm sincerely not over exaggerating about everything I'm saying, and I'm not even being bias because I'm a man. I don't even think that its too much to expect from a man either, but realize that men need you ladies to be strong for us sometimes too. When GOD created man he created women, therefore our bond is forever intertwined. The responsibility to do all that is necessary for our families and ourselves is high. And sometimes we do keep what we feel internally because we feel that we can handle it.

     Honestly we can handle it, we just need our women to steer us even when we foolishly act like everything is ok. Honestly I hate to show my emotions, it makes me feel like I'm not a man. Of course I'm intelligent enough to realize that it's ok to show vulnerability when it's necessary. But my pride won't always let me show that, and I probably speak for all men when I say this. That's where you ladies fall in, it's your job to be the rock that we need when the weight of the world is on our shoulders. Be that third leg of a table, because GOD is already there. We just need you too, even when we pretend we don't.

      Chess is the best game that expresses exactly how the life of a man is. Whenever all the pieces aren't able to hold us down, we can always count on the Queen to be there to the very end. We don't always let you know how much you mean to us, but believe me you mean the world to us. I'm a King and all I need is Queen to hold me down. I'm great alone, but I'm at my best when there's a woman there to help me hold down the fortress. That's what men feel, but we don't always say it. Just know that a woman is th best creation GOD placed in on this earth. Your role is needed more then you ever know. Just remember to hold your King down, because his Queen always makes it better when no one else can.

     We can't always be what you want us to be, just bare with us. Our heart is in the right place, especially when we love you. Life isn't easy for a man or a woman. We have our separate responsibilites but they are all important. Just know we are in this together, and we have each others backs. No man is an island even when he feels like he's one, because if GOD thought we were he wouldn't have created our women. So thank you for your strength, I know we aren't always easy to deal with, but you're still here. Just protect us, and I promise we will do the rest...

Lifestyles and Life lessons

    It's moments like the one I'm experiencing now where I feel alone. That there's no one that understands exactly how I feel and what I'm going through. I have much to be blessed and happy about, especially since I'm still here. Alive and kicking with my soul still in tact. I've been having a very trying time as of late and I'm in need of many answers from the man upstairs. I ALWAYS try to keep up an optimistic mindset, even when I find that situations in my life are trying to overwhelm me. I just realize more and more that the road I trod will never be an easy one, and I'm not expecting it to be either. But I do wish that there were more people there then my family. However, Realistically that's the only people that will always wind up being there.

    I don't know, maybe I just expect way too much from people. I've always felt like my level of loyalty and care was much more then it should have been for most people anyway. But that's nothing to feel bad about right? I just know I'll ALWAYS keep my head held high even when things aren't looking so great. You must believe in something, even when it looks like believing appears it's not getting anywhere. I never keep a defeated spirit, and life always has a way of moving in your favor when you just let GOD handle the rest.

   I realize you should never really put your very all into anyone who doesn't do that with you. I guess it's me growing up, not putting all my eggs in one basket. I haven't given up on people, I've just given up on investing unwarranted time into those that don't deserve it anyway. Yea, that's what it is. Life is an interesting situation, that's what makes it so great in the first place. Never give in or give up, just move forward and stay Persistent. Because Persistent Men Excel....

Thursday, June 7, 2012


  So I thought that I would give something new and sexy. Something that would showcase some of the most beautiful women that GOD placed on the face of this earth. So I came up with "Heavenly Dime Piece", but honestly it's being re-introduced. Years ago during the MySpace era I made Heavenly Dime Pieces, doing the same thing. A page strictly dedicated to the most beautiful women (or what I thought was beautiful when I was younger at the time). Now I've got this fast forwarding years later and I'm going to show you mouth watering women.

     Now I've known this beautiful woman Kennesha Thomas for years now. Humbled demeanor, great personality, somewhat shy but aggressive when she needs to be. She's definitely going places and I told her she should model. Even if not on a runway at least print work.
I mean you look at her and tell me if I'm wrong or not. I know potential whenever I see it and she's got it. She's from Jersey too and very intelligent. She would make any guy that wants to pursue her VERY happy, because she's got all the right attributes for a potential future wife.

   So definitely give Ms Thomas a round of applause for not only being beautiful but going to college, working, and blessing this earth with her presence. I have a few links you can hit her up at below, so go ahead and added them. Oh, and you're welcome, just make sure you respect her and come correct. You'll definitely be seeing more beautiful women on Heavenly Dime Piece, so stay tuned for more...

Links to add of Ms Kennesha Thomas:

Twitter - twitter.com/Neshagotit
Instagram - @itszNesh_

Monday, June 4, 2012

Is LOVE enough without TRUST?

     Love is the most powerful action, emotion and feeling that could have ever been created. Love is what brought us ALL here; it's what brings two people together to form a union that could possibly last forever. It's the emotion that makes a mother do all that she can to make her child become a great individual, in this cruel and cold world we live in. But what about a union between two people that aren't related, or even friends, but much more? How can you love someone that you can't even trust? Trust and love go hand and hand along with other key actions and emotions that make a relationship last for the long run.

    Trusting someone is fully letting go of doubt and suspicion. It's believing that person is doing right by you as well as the relationship you two are apart of. It's knowing that even when you're not around them they are doing what is best for your union. That is the same steps you take to loving someone. It's about a mutual understanding and a common belief that you both share. You both saw something that you felt the other person had that would make it great for you to be together. In some instances it was friends turned to lovers, or maybe it was even love at first sight. Whichever was the case, you can never expect it to last but so long if there is no trust.

     I believe that there is no possible way that two people can happily stay with one another if there is no trust. I can speak from experience because I was in a relationship where I didn't trust the woman I was with. I was always suspicious of what she was doing. I always asked her questions and doubted her word. But in my mind I still loved her, but how could I when I didn't even trust her? Of course in the end of it all she was cheating on me. But if I go back to the beginning I knew what kind of person I was dealing with. You can NOT change someone who doesn't want to change. It's like trying to make the north & south magnets attract, which is impossible.

       You have to thoroughly get to know what kind of person you're with before you continue to elevate the title. This can definitely be helpful, especially saving you from unnecessary heartache and pain. Love is a beautiful thing, but that should never be the only reason you stay with someone. Trust, respect, mutual understanding, honesty and a host of other things make a healthy and happy relationship. A bond is only as strong as the support of both individuals. A bridge could never support the weight of everthing on it if every piece wasn't together, and that's how trust and love work. Remember, You and Me could NEVER be WE if you two can't see that Love and Trust go hand and hand collectively!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Daughters: Protect the Greatest Gift from GOD

   Recently I saw "Daughters" By NAS, and I thought that it was one of the most powerful music videos I've seen in a long time. Even now as I'm writing this post I'm listening to the song on my ipod, getting my mind equipped to fathom what it would be like to have a daughter. I don't have any children myself but I have friends who do, especially daughters. I have always felt that without women we would NEVER exist. There would be no such thing as powerful men if there wasn't a powerful woman to nurture him into greatness. Women are the greatest creations that GOD ever sculpted! I say this wholeheartedly because I have been raised by powerful women my whole life. 

   I have sisters, a mother, aunts, a grandmother and great grandmother and I realize how important women are and forever will be. But before women become all of those other things I've said, they are someone's daughter. The ray of sunshine that can brighten up a gloomy day. The ones who will be our future mothers; and we have got to respect & protect them. It hurts my heart seeing young mothers raising babies by themselves when it was two people who created the child. Seeing women go through all these trails in life with men who don't even appreciate them. Calling women out of their name, raping them, beating them, and why? They go through enough just to be accepted, they deserve the best and more.

    When I think of Love the first thing I think of is a woman. We all got here because she loved and protected us even before we came into the world. Nine months of morning sickness, feeding us, believing in us and speaking our very life into existence. Protect her and love her, daughters are our future. Remember that even in chess the Queen is the most powerful piece on the board. Without her protection and role of holding down the other pieces, the game would be over. In life daughters hold this same role, they are the person that will one day be the Queen that holds down the Kingdom. So if you have a daughter look her in the eyes and tell her she's a gift. Because one day she will be the present that the world will be blessed enough to know and appreciate.

Friday, June 1, 2012

I Come from Royalty

     People always get really sensitive when I advocate for people of African Decent. But Why? I'm African American & I love what I, and have embraced the notion ever since I could fathom who I was. When others talk about anything involving Black people, the very first thing (and seemingly the only thing) people talk about is slavery. Now as broad and deeply rooted as our rich history and traditions are, black people have contributed WAY more then slave labor to the world. The strong individuals that were forcibly placed into bondage were NEVER slaves, but rather turned into slaves. There is definitely a huge difference between the two.

     I realize that slavery is apart of my history & I truly do understand that part, but to simply just make it appear as though that is the only aspect of Black people is beyond insane. We have contributed MOST of what the WORLD uses and takes advantage of on a consistent basis. Things which if they did not exist the world may have not been the same without it. I would be writing forever if I truly spoke of the contributions Black People have contributed. The proof is all there in what we use and see each and every day we open our eyes. NEVER doubt or second guess the place in society People of African Decent are. You can go by the news and statistics all you want to, However, I know that my rich history and traditions don't lie in what others see me as or what others feel. It is what is factual, and the contributions given far outweigh any mistakes that we as a people have EVER done.

    Remember Black People ruled the WORLD, & we may not be as we once were, but I guarantee we will be even better once we unite & remember our purpose!